김한요 목사
클래시컬 기독교 학교는 여러 교과 과정에 채플 하나 있는 정도가 아니라, 모든 과목을 크리스천의 세계관을 가지고 라틴어와 성경 해석학, 수사학 및 논리학을 전통적인 클래시컬 커리큘럼으로 훈련하는 학교입니다. 문학, 수학 및 과학도 기독교적 관점으로 심도 있게 공부하면서 참된 진리이신 하나님과 성경 말씀의 가치관을 배우게 되어 있습니다. 관찰하고 질문하고 연구하여 논리적인 발표를 통해 진리를 수호할 뿐 아니라, 세상을 선도하는 당당한 리더로 훈련하는 학교를 지향합니다. 이같은 학교를 베델이 준비하려고 합니다. 우리의 어린 자녀들의 미래가 우리의 비전입니다. 코리안 아메리칸뿐 아니라, 다른 인종도 아우르는 학교로 나아가기를 원합니다. 기독교적인 가치관과 사명감으로 충만한, 실력 있는 선생님들을 모실 수 있도록 기도해 주십시오. 이 일에 뜻이 있는 후원자들도 생기고, 교회적으로도 신앙의 100년 지계를 세워갈 수 있도록 마음 모아 격려해 주십시오.
우리의 자녀들, 그리고 우리의 3세대, 4세대를 향한 거룩한 투자를 하십시다. 언젠가 성경적인 가치관으로 무장한 그들이 우리를 업고 달릴 날이 있을 것입니다. 오늘 있을 학교 설명회에 관심 있는 베델인의 적극적인 참여를 바랍니다.
As We Start Bethel Classical Academy…
Rev. Bryan Kim
My youngest daughter graduated from high school. I have always wanted to send her to a Christian school. It was a big decision to finally send her to a Classical Christian school for her last 2 years. Including my daughter, the entire graduating class consisted of 5 students. It was a modest graduation ceremony. The school did not have a building and it operated out of a rented church facility. It did not have a gym, sport teams, or an orchestra. Audience was limited due to Covid, and there were no loud noises. However, my daughter’s high school graduation was filled with grace and thanks, more than any other graduations I have attended. It felt more like a revival than a graduation. Each of the graduates came up to give a graduation speech. This was possible because there were only 5 graduating students. Each of the students spoke, confessing that what they have learned was not simply knowledge, but it was the truth that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Referencing Bible verses, even C.S. Lewis in their speeches, their speeches were more moving than any famous preacher’s message. I thanked God as I listened to my daughter’s speech. We struggled when we transferred her out of Irvine High school. I knew I did the right thing when my daughter, who was protected like being in a greenhouse, boldly confessed her faith and stepped into the world.
Classical school is not simply taking different subject classes with one chapel, but it is a school that trains students with classical curriculum like Latin, Biblical Hermeneutics, Rhetoric, Logic, and entire subjects with Christian world view. As they study literature, math, and science from Christian point of view, they learn about God, who is the truth, and Biblical view. Not only are they defending the truth through examining, questioning, researching, and giving logical presentations, but they are being trained to become confident leaders of this world. Bethel Church is preparing for this kind of school. The future of our young children is our vision. We want the school not only for Korean Americans but for all people. Please pray for qualified teachers with Christian values and commitment. We need supporters with the same heart, and we need your encouragement as a church to build a vision of faith for next 100 years.
Let’s invest in our children and our 3rd and 4th generations. One day, equipped with Biblical view, they will carry us and run the race. We are holding school presentation today. We ask for your active participation and interest as people of Bethel.