김한요 목사
사람 없는 텅 빈 예배당에서 설교하는 것도 너무 낯설어 이상했는데, 지금은 익숙해지려고 합니다. 오히려 까맣게 잊고 있었던 옛 추억이 회상되었습니다. 저의 중고등부 전도사 시절, 당시 섬기던 교회에 EM이 없어서 담임목사님께 허락을 받고 성인 영어예배를 당차게 시작한 적이 있습니다. 마침, 뜻 맞는 고등부 선생님과 함께 시작했는데, 성도 한 분, 그리고 설교자인 저, 단 둘이었습니다. 한어 예배 후 오후에 시작했기에, 성가대 연습 후 귀가하던 성도님들이 혼자 설교하고 있는 저를 보고 안쓰러워서 뒤에 두 세분 가끔 앉아서 예배에 참석해 주시는 정도였습니다. 그때는 사람이 없어도 믿음이었는지 오기였는지 더 목청껏 설교했던 시절이 기억나면서, 그래도 베델은 목회자들이 가뭄에 콩 나듯이 앉아 설교를 들어주니 고마울 따름입니다.
코로나가 우리의 일상에 많은 변화를 가져오고, 코로나 이후에도 다시 옛날로 돌아가기 힘든 후유증을 걱정하고는 있지만, 한 가지 기억할 것은 우리의 환경은 늘 변화해 왔다는 것입니다. 이번 변화는 급격하게 전 세계적으로 닥쳐서 그 체감이 훨씬 강하지만, 늘 변화해 왔던 것은 사실입니다. 저는 흑백 TV에서 컬러 TV로 변화했던 시기, 컬러 TV 진열대 앞에 신기해하며 운집해 있었던 사람들의 모습을 기억합니다. 그뿐 아니라, 노트 베끼다가 복사기가 나왔을 때, 팩스 머신이 등장했을 때, 현대차 포니가 미국에 상륙했을 때, 랩탑 컴퓨터를 학생이 강의실에 가지고 들어오던 때의 그 엄청난 충격들을 잊을 수가 없습니다. 스마트폰과 인터넷의 변화무쌍한 시대에 우리는 잘 적응해 왔고 변화해 왔습니다. 그러나, 본질은 변질되지 않도록 더욱 자성해야 할 것입니다. 예배의 형식이 변한다고 예배의 본질이 변질 되면 안 되듯이, 이번 변화에 유연히 대처하되 가장 중요한 믿음 공동체의 본질, 위로는 하나님을 향한 예배, 안으로는 이웃사랑의 나눔과 훈련, 밖으로는 복음 전파를 변질없이 지켜가야 할 것 입니다.
Change and Alteration
Rev. Bryan Kim
Time, even in this season of Covid19 when time seemingly would slow down, is passing by fast without fail. Lockdown that began in March is now already in May. It seemed like a simpler life of cooking and eating at home, not being able to go out whenever we want, but we are constantly experiencing out of control changes. We have become a true family eating together daily, not just once a month or at birthdays. My house is about 9 miles from church and commuting takes about 25 minutes during rush hour. Now the road has changed to empty rural streets. It used to be unfortunate that strawberry fields I passed by were subjected to car pollutions. Now it is appropriately scenic. I used to automatically extend my hand out to shake hands whenever I saw church members. Although I am more excited to see our church members, with occasional visits, I find myself excited and yet automatically stop at 6 feet from them. That is one of the physical changes that come from worries.
It was very strange to deliver sermon in an empty sanctuary, but I seem to be getting used to it. Now, I reminisce my past memory that I had completely forgotten about. The church I was serving as a Youth Pastor did not have English worship service. With permission from the lead pastor, I began English worship service for adults. I started with a youth group teacher who had the same idea. We began with one preacher and one member. We worshiped in the afternoon after Korean service. Choir members leaving after practice felt sorry for me, and time to time two or three of them would seat in the back to attend the service. Although we didn’t have many people, I preached to the fullest, whether by faith or determination. Now, I am grateful for pastors who sit and listen, scattered about the main sanctuary.
Covid19 changed our daily lives. Although we worry about aftermath of Covid19 and not being able to return to what it used to be, one thing we need to remember is that our environment has always been changing. This change came very quickly and globally. Our experience was intensified, but the reality is that things always change. I am from an era of black and white TV transitioning to color TV. I remember curious people gathered in front of TV stand. Furthermore, I cannot forget when copy machines made its appearance, and then fax machines, Hyundae Pony in US, and the shock of seeing a student with laptop in lecture hall. We all adjusted and changed with advancements of smartphones and Internet. However, we need to stay strong to maintain the essence of faith community from deteriorating. We cannot change the essence of worship just because form of worship has changed. Although we need to be flexible with our current situation, but worship to God above, sharing of love and training inwardly, and spreading of gospel outwardly, should never be altered.