김한요 목사
불은 정말 위험합니다. 해마다 찾아오는 불청객인 산불을 강 건너 불구경하듯 했는데, 정말 그럴 리 없다 생각했던 얼바인에도 불이 났습니다. 2020년은 놀라움과 기습의 연속입니다. 우리 평생 겪어 보지 못한 팬데믹 현상이 8개월째 지속되고, 전국적인 시위가 폭동으로 변하는 격동을 겪은지 얼마 되지 않아, 이제는 산불입니다. 어리둥절해할 틈도 없이 “주여!”를 외치며 이리저리 뛰다가 주변이 고요한 밤 10시가 됩니다. 대피한 성도님들도 잠을 청하는 불 밝힌 교회 식당에 수북이 쌓여 있는 쌀과 라면, 간식들을 보면서 산불이 몰고 온 따뜻한 주님의 사랑에 더는 춥지 않았습니다.
Rev. Bryan Kim
As I was taking my daughter to school Monday morning, there was a terrible smell and a very strong wind that tumbled tree branches across roads. Wouldn’t you know it, there was wildfire. I thought Irvine would not be an area that could be in danger of wildfire. For a moment, I thought maybe there was fire near our retreat center, but evacuation warnings began in Irvine. I drove carefully to church through roads with dangerously scattered broken branches. I prayed and felt in my heart to open our church. Bethel Church is already familiar with preventative measures and social distancing from in-person worship service. We decided to open the church as a shelter for those church members who had to evacuate. Monday is our staff’s rest day but all of staff came and prepared necessary water, ramen, and etc., and then notified through Cell leaders that church was opened for sheltering. Those who were under mandatory evacuation started coming to church. We started serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. We opened Church school classrooms for them to rest. All the classrooms were full by the afternoon. Quickly tents were set up in the gym. We made internet available for them and helped find more comfortable accommodations if they needed. It was a busy first day. For those who were not able to find accommodations, we brought mats and beddings from retreat center to make overnight stay at church more comfortable. Early following morning we tried to turn the heater on in the gym a couple of times to keep them warm. Pastoral staff spent the night with them and prayed. “Lord, please take care of our Church member’s properties!” I remember calling for emergency prayer meeting at 10:00p.m. when our retreat center was in danger from wildfire last year. Just as God changed direction of the wind and kept our retreat center safe, we prayed more fervently for the safety of our congregation. By Wednesday night, not one evacuee suffered loss from wildfire, and they all returned home safely. When I received this news, I gave a tearful thanks to our Lord.
Fire is truly dangerous. We were spectators in the past to these yearly unwanted visits from wildfire, but it came to Irvine where we thought would not happen. Year 2020 is a continuation of surprise events. In the midst of 8 continuous months of pandemic, there were demonstrations and riots throughout the nation recently, and now wildfire… In silent night, at 10:00p.m., we ran to church in bewilderment shouting “Lord!”. Our evacuated church members, as they approached brightly lit church, arriving to piles of rice, ramen, and snacks, felt the warmth of God’s love.