김한요 목사
1년 넘게 온라인 예배가 지속하면서, 온라인 등록 교인들도 생기게 되었습니다. 대면예배를 드릴 수 없어 얼굴 한 번 대면해 보지 않고, 우리 교회 교인 된 분들도 생기기 시작했습니다. 심지어, 타주에서 온라인 접속을 고정으로 하시는 성도님들도 많아지시기 시작했습니다. 인터넷이 활발해지면서 ‘사이버 교회’라는 말이 심심치 않게 회자되었습니다. 세상이 아무리 바뀌어도 온라인에서만 존재하는 사이버 교회가 있을 수 있을까 했는데, 이번 팬데믹 상황에서 어쩔 수 없이 우리들은 현장 대면이 아닌 온라인으로만 접속이 가능한 사이버 교회가 되어 버린 것입니다. 설교자나 예배 인도자들은 회중을 볼 수 없지만, 성도들은 화면으로 볼 수 있으니 큰 아쉬움은 없었습니다. 오히려 회의나 소그룹은 줌을 통해서 서로가 공간의 제약을 초월하여 소통할 수 있다는 이점까지 누렸습니다. 심지어 온라인 버추얼 예배가 기술적으로도 정착이 되어가면서 현장예배 시 교실 부족과 주차장 등 공간의 문제까지도 해결되는 듯했습니다. 그러나, 지난 부활절 현장 예배를 재개하면서 비대면은 대면의 전제 없이 불가한 것이며, 온라인은 오프라인의 대체가 아닌 임시대안임을 깨닫게 해 주었습니다.
온라인 예배가 시작된 초반에 소위 버추얼 성가대를 한 번 한 적이 있습니다. 처음에는 신기하기도 하고, 이렇게라도 성가대를 할 수 있구나 싶었지만, 버추얼 성가대를 다시 하지는 않았습니다. 성가대원 한 분 한 분이 부른 노래를 모아서 결국 음향실에서 인위적으로 맞추어 내보내는 작업이었기 때문입니다. 말 그대로 실제 같은 가상, 버추얼이지 실제, 액추얼이 아니었기 때문입니다.
천국의 예배에 비교하면 그렇게도 좋았던 우리의 부활절 현장 예배는 버추얼에 지나지 않습니다. 요한 사도가 계시록을 쓰면서 올라가 보았던 천국의 액추얼 예배가 우리에게 약속되어 있습니다. 언젠가 다시 열릴 베델 현장 예배가 있어서 온라인 예배의 아쉬움을 극복하듯이, 우린 천국의 액추얼 예배가 있기에 오늘 현장의 아쉬움도 극복해 갑니다. 오늘 예배가 천국의 액추얼 예배에 가장 근접한 예배가 되기를 기도합니다.
Actual vs. Virtual
Rev. Bryan Kim
The excitement of in-person Easter worship service still lingers after a week. For the past year, having virtual worship service felt empty whenever I stepped out to an empty courtyard after a live recording of worship service. Last Sunday, “Actual” worship service was realized with in-person Easter worship service. Seeing J. Bene Café providing gourmet coffee in the courtyard, gathering of people underneath the parasols that filled the courtyard to escape hot sun rays was an “actual” image that shows Bethel Church has returned. It was as if everyone was saying “This is church!” and letting go of their frustrations. It was confirmed once again that a church is an “actual” in-person community and not a “virtual” community. Virus outbreak that was spread through in-person contact forced us to close doors to in-person worship. The only replacement for the situation was online worship services. We realized that online worship service was just a “virtual” solution and could never replace the “actual” worship services.
We continued with online worship services for a year, and even had online registration of new members. Since we couldn’t worship in-person, there are new members that we have never met face to face. There were even many out of state people registering as members. With the advancement of internet, ‘cyber church’ has become the thing. Even with all of the changes, I wondered if there could be cyber church that only exists online. With the pandemic situation, we have become a cyber church that can only be engaged online. Worship leader and preacher could not see the attendees, but the attendees had no problem since they could see them through a screen. There were even some advantages to having Zoom meetings since we were not limited by space. As we settled technologically into virtual worship, it seemed to solve our issues of parking and classroom shortages. However, as we reopened for Easter worship last Sunday, we realized that it is impossible to replace face to face with virtual, and online is not a replacement but a temporary solution to off-line.
We had virtual choir performances when we first began online worship. Initially it was amazing, and we thought this could be an option. However, we did not continue with virtual choir. After collecting all of choir members singing, they had to be edited individually in the studio. As stated, it was virtual and not actual.
Our wonderful in-person Easter worship was nothing short of a virtual worship when compared to worship in heaven. The actual worship that Apostle John saw while writing Revelation has been promised to us. Because we know that one day Bethel worship will be in-person, we were able to persevere through online worship. In the same way, because we will have actual worship in heaven, we are able to persevere through today. I pray that today’s worship will be the closest to the actual worship in heaven.