김한요 목사
적응이 되는 또 한 가지는 ‘하루 먼저’ 오늘을 사는 것입니다. 매일, 아침 메시지를 영상으로 성도들에게 내보내기 위해 하루 전날 저는 영상을 찍습니다. 그것이 처음에는 얼마나 헷갈리는지, 오늘이 무슨 요일인지 늘 헷갈려 했는데, 이제는 적응이 되었습니다. 오늘은 내가 느끼는 요일에서 하루를 뺀 날인 것입니다. 어쩌면 성도님들 중 매일 교회에 나와 새벽 기도로 하루를 시작하셨던 분들, 혹은 주말이 되면, 헵시바 새벽기도회와 주일예배로 평생 삶의 리듬이 잡혀 있던 분들은 온라인으로 드리는 예배가 6주 차가 되면서 이제는 아침에 일어나 차를 타고 교회로 오는 것이 아니라, 화장도 안 하고 컴퓨터 화면 앞으로 가는 것이 적응되었을지 모르겠습니다. 요즘 저는 성도님들이 온라인 예배에 적응되어, 다시 교회에 와서 예배드리는 것에 어색해하실까 봐 걱정입니다. 그래서 제안 하나를 합니다. 집 밖으로 나오는 것이 불법만 아니면, 일주일에 한 번은 교회에 들러서, 주차장에서라도 기도를 하고 돌아가는 일을 서서히 시작해 보면 좋을 것 같습니다. 온라인 예배에 적응하지 마십시오. 계속 불편해하십시 오. 사회적 거리 두는 일에 적응하지 마십시오. 계속 아쉬워하시다가 반갑게 다시 만날 수 있기를 바랍니다.
Don’t Get Used To It
Rev. Bryan Kim
With banning of public gathering due to Coronavirus, not being able to go where I normally go, not able to meet people I normally meet, came as a shock and psychological atrophy. People are social animals and we live by widening out relationships through meeting and talking to one another. From that perspective, it could be said that fellowship of congregation is one of the key natures of a church. We give and receive comfort through short greeting of well wishes in passing, however short it may be. Being able to meet with people in various places on church campus after worship, shaking hands and sharing greetings, is great comfort. We establish connection even with just shaking of hands and looking into the eyes of a pastor. At times, that can be enough. After worship, many people use side doors to avoid greeting pastors. Perhaps, this is due to a long line or to relieve the pastor’s tiredness. I’m sure you will all agree that going to church without relationship with the pastor or going to church thinking, “Pastor doesn’t know who I am” does not help your life as a believer. I get excited to greet you and, instead of standing still, I try to approach at least to shake hands. Sometimes church members would come to visit and I run out to greet them in excitement. However, now with masks on, I often don’t recognize who they are. I am becoming used to just looking at someone from a distance, not shaking hands and maintaining social distancing. In the past this may have been hurtful and may have been thought ‘that person must not like me’, but now it’s not hurtful at all. Coronavirus has made us adjust to this kind of greetings. If there was a positive point about Coronavirus is that I don’t think any congregant will struggle with a thought, ‘Pastor did not shake hands with me.’
Another thing we are getting used to is our daily lives. To send out daily morning messages, I videotape the message one day before. In the beginning I was getting confused with days, but now I am used to it. Today is the day I think it is minus a day. Some of you may have started your daily routine with Early Morning Prayer service in the past or Saturday’s Early Morning Service to set your weekly rhythm. Now that we are 6 weeks into online worship, you may be used to getting up in the morning and without makeup going straight to your computer instead of driving to church. I am worried that congregation is so used to online worship that coming to church to worship may feel strange. So, I would like to make one suggestion. If coming outside of home is not against rule, I think it would be good if you drove to church once a week to pray in the parking lot. Don’t get used to online worship. I hope to meet all of you after continued longing.